Friday, March 13, 2009

Private Blog now!

I have made our blog private now because..... well I have a Live Traffic Feed on there that tells me who looks at my blog. Dane has always been very cautious since it does have some information on it. I looked at the Live Traffic Feed and noticed like 10 different people from different countries looking at my blog within minutes of each other, weird activity! If Dane was not in the Army and not in Iraq, I might think differently. I have been hearing lots of scary things going on around here even on post! I do not feel has safe as I once did. You just can't trust some people.


Melody said...

Are you freaking out? :)

Jennifer said...

It's okay... I'm paranoid about mine and I'm just a teacher. At least you have a much better excuse! :)

Carolyn said...

I think you are very wise to do this. I was actually wondering the same thing. You used to be a lot more secretive about Dane and lately you have put more info on your blog. I love that you follow the promptings. Good girl!

Lehmann Adventures...... said...

just make sure I can still read it!! LOL and I love your hair!! Idaho is ok, nothing like the south... but what can a girl do when she is broke? but live with her parents....