Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We are home

We are back in Germany and still off schedule. I thought since we stayed up all day, we would be able to sleep that night. I was wrong. The kids and I are still having trouble sleeping. While I was gone to Florida, I had heard about a big storm that hit around my house in Germany and many house basements were flooded. I had a nice welcome when I got home! All my storage in the basement must of had about 5 in of water. The landlord did come over, so there was no more water when I got home. But there was mold on everything. Many things I value were distroyed like some of my baby pictures and many other pictures. Many of Dane's family history story books were all wet and much more. The only good thing was I did have many things in those plastic tubs or off the ground, so some stuff was safe. First thing I did was go buy more tubs!


The Lairds said...

That's awful!!! Good idea getting more tubs.
I'm glad you made it back safe, and I hope you all get back on track with your sleep schedules. :)

Latisha said...

Oh, what an awful thing to come home to! Hope you were able to salvage things to some extent!