Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dane's award!

Wednesday Dane got a Commendation Medal for all his hard work here. Even through this is his 3rd Commendation Medal, he was very thankful.

Here I am trying to control both kids from making noise and jumping off chairs.

The life of a 3 year old! Here was Dane's bosses boss. He is a very sweet man and said lots of good things about Dane on his review. I liked him much better than Dane's other boss.
Okay, to many handshakes for me!
Now on to our next adventure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more Internet after today, so goodbye for a while :(

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Our last souvenirs

I think it is finally getting to us that this is our last chance to get things that will remind us of our great stay here.

We got this piece of art all made of different kinds of wood. This is the Tower here in Grafenwoehr.

Ever since we moved to Germany, Dane has been wanting to get some African drums. We have seen them before but I felt like they cost to much. I finally gave in since they make great decor as well. These drums were the prettiest we've seen so far. The boys love to play on them.
Our Army Brats :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Shining Star!

My nice friend took these pictures of Devin today at school (I forgot my camera).
He got a Shining Star Award for good behavior.

My computer time has been limited with Dane home more and sharing a computer!
We even have to share with Devin and now Jarom wants to play ABC games.
I am not sure if it the trouble "3's" or just moving, but Jarom has been difficult.
He has started this, "I'm tired" when ever we walk places and walks VERY SLOWLY.
He just wants to stay home.
Question: How do you make a baby take medicine and not spit half of it out?????

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Family Time!

We decided to play Cootie for the first time the other night. The kids liked it. I have never played before. You have to make your own bug. The first person to complete their bug wins.
I made the "girl" bug!

Today I took Ammon to the doctor for 6 month check up (I am a little late). He is over 7 months now, but weights 21.16 lbs. Big boy :) I also had his ears checked because some fluid came out one of his ears a week ago. Now the other ear looks bad, so he is on antibiotics. His first ear infection! He got shots today and kicked the lady so hard the needle came out and cut his leg.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dane's newest toy

For someone that LOVES to sing, he found a karaoke machine for cheap!
For anyone that know Dane, he can sing very loudly without anything!
Now it is louder :) Still good but loud.

The kids are enjoying making up their own words and singing.
Here is a random picture of Ammon sitting up before falling.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Waiting, waiting, and waiting

As I wait to move, I called the housing office were we are moving, ONE AND A HALF MONTH WAIT!!!! Hopefully the list will go faster. We only get 10 days in a hotel after that we have to pay for it. I would so just go to families house, but Devin needs to finish school. The stress of moving!

Since we do not have a car anymore, I have been walking all over Post MANY times. Today I am sore. Poor Jarom refused to walk anymore at one point because he was so tire. Needless to say, we stayed home most of the day today.

Monday, March 14, 2011

This Week

Today I had to say goodbye to my car I have had for over 8 years!
It's done me well!
We have out grown you, and your life will continue in Germany.
I will miss you only for the next few weeks till we move!
One step closer to getting my Honda Odyssey!!!!
Sunday before church.

What better way to make men out of these boys is by service.
We pick up trash often!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

7 months old & Fasching!

On Tuesday Devin's school had a little German Fasching Parade! They dressed up in their Halloween costumes!
Here is Devin, I mean "Bat Man" Of course after taking the picture, I see he is walking with his very best friend Baliey (in white)!

7 Months today!!
I had to take about 20 picture just to get this cute one as he is falling down!

Jarom had to take a photo so here it is...loving my baby.

My turn to takes pictures.
Ammon is the target for kisses and hugs in our family!
That poor boy better love affection because Jarom sure knows how to give it.
Before Jarom was born, Dane would prayer for more love in our home.
I think he got the "love" child!
He always gives kisses on BOTH cheeks and BIG hugs!
Poor Ammon gets this treatment often.

Something Ammon does not like "the car seat"
It is time to upgrade the car seat, but I wanted to wait until we move.
I thought the carrier would be better for the airplane.

Ammon is sleeping better now, every 4 hours, sometimes more at night.
He does not really care for any baby food except for rice cereal.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

An email......

So I just got an email telling me all our stuff is ready to be delivered in GA TOMORROW and they just need an address!!!!!!! WHAT!!!! I could have kept all our stuff here longer. But you know if I did that something would happen, and it would take longer. This news just wants me to get there even faster now, not fair :( At least I know my stuff will be waiting for me, for a while still. :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

The party kept going!

Here is our little family Birthday party for Devin with yummy Choc. Delight!
Saturday we had Devin's friend party at a indoor playground here.
See Devin in there?

We had the most kids we have ever had at a party, so I think Devin had a blast. I think we had about 10 kids from Devin's class.
I decided to do cupcakes instead of a cake this year, easier!

Every boy loves transformer!

Dane and I both needed a nap after the party!

Friday, March 4, 2011

My 8 Year Old!

Happy Birthday to my 8 year old!
We have lots of things planned, so many picture to post on Saturday.
In 5 days Ammon will be 7 months old already.

He grabs everything in sight!

Tuesday was story night at Devin's school. Out of about 8 reading stations, this was the only man that could keep my boys attention. He even had hand motions for the kids to do during the book.

We had to visit with Devin's tutor.
Becky was reading to the kids aslo, so we had to say hello!
The boys have really enjoyed her coming to our house.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I am ready to leave.

OK, if anyone did not hear, 2 US Military was killed and 2 others wounded in the Frankfurt Germany Airport. They were targeted as they were getting on a bus taking them to post. CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS OUR AIRPORT WE FLY OUT OF........WE ARE NOT SAFE HERE. GET ME OUT OF THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!