My nice friend took these pictures of Devin today at school (I forgot my camera).
He got a Shining Star Award for good behavior.
We even have to share with Devin and now Jarom wants to play ABC games.
I am not sure if it the trouble "3's" or just moving, but Jarom has been difficult.
He has started this, "I'm tired" when ever we walk places and walks VERY SLOWLY.
He just wants to stay home.
Question: How do you make a baby take medicine and not spit half of it out?????
Way to go Devin!
Gotta love 3 year olds...
Little amounts or mix it in something you know he'll eat.
Yay Devin! :)
I'm going through the 3 year stage. :P I thinks it's much better now that she's 3.5, but from 2.5 to now has it's fun times.
Baby or toddler? If it's a baby, you can blow in their face right after squirting the meds in it makes them swallow or distracts them from trying to spit it out.
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