Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween again

We sure have celebrated Halloween this year. What else is there to do when Daddy isn't home? Daddy is the entertainer!
One of our stops was our Free bowling-anyone in costume! Devin only!!
Everyone love Thomas the Train. Jarom kept saying, "choo choo!" or more like, "oo oo". I thought people would like the Hulk better, but I was wrong.
Friday we had a ward primary activity which was fun!
Show those teeth, Jarom! You can see I had to hold him still just to take a picture. He is always on the move! Note that big bump on his forehead.
Find the eye balls in the noodles!


Jodi said...

They are too cute! I love the costumes and Jarom's sound effects I'm sure made his even better!

Melody said...

They sure are cute!

The Lairds said...

your kids are so cute! I can't believe Devin is old enough to be in cub scouts!! wow! time flies. I'm sorry Dane isn't home yet. We have about 30 families in our ward with deployed spouses. most of them are due to have their R&R soon. It's been frustrating to see everyone get all excited to see their husbands again only to be delayed again and again. The army is crazy and I would have understood if you had said those bad things. :) I'm glad you guys are well. We miss you!