Monday, September 20, 2010

No more silly putty!

A few weeks ago, Dane got some silly putty for the kids to play. Some how it got left out and never put away. Jarom got it!!!!!!!!!!!! It ended up with Jarom in bed!!!!!!!!!! Any ideas on how to get silly putty out of sheets and pj??????? Spray n Wash did not work. It just seems to move around on the clothes when washing it. Boys and their toys!!!


Jodi said...

Wow, I have no idea! I'm wondering if ice would work. I know it does with gum and silly putty is almost a gewy. Good luck!

Jennifer said...

You can try Goo Gone. It seems to work on a lot of stuff. I haven't tried it on silly putty (thankfully I haven't needed to).

Latisha said...

Wish I had some good advice. From what I hear, silly putty is nigh unto impossible to deal with. You might be looking at a good excuse to get new bedding. You'll have to let us all know if you discover the secret!