Thursday, September 11, 2008


Well, I completed my Enrichment meeting at church last night and everything went great. I started taking picture to show, but the last part I forgot which was the funest part. That is why I forgot, I must have been having fun!

So, with all the hard work and getting home late I decided to keep Devin home from school and NOT get up at 5:00am. Funny thing is Devin has not even asked me why he did not go to school today yet. Maybe he thinks it is Saturday! We all slept in to almost 8:00. It was nice.


Melody said...


I KNOW that I would not do well with the 5 a.m. thing.

Devin is going to love having you as his mom. Letting him miss school and stuff. My kids don't miss unless they're about to die...

Melody said...

oh yeah, I'm glad your meeting went well. But, of course it did. You are queen of planning.

The Powells said...

WOW! I can't believe that you get up that early - I'd make Dane take a bus to work! But then again maybe Steve would MAKE me take him. :)