Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I have to say something weird is going on with Devin. He is actually helping me more. I asked him to do something and he actually does it, very weird for Devin. I normally have to tell him like 5 times before he would do something of me. He is such a helper with Jarom. I see him do the same as I do with Jarom to calm him down, so cute. I put my hand on Jarom's face and say, "it's okay." Devin has the same, so funny! Watching Devin be so gentle is very weird! I think having siblings might be a good thing for Devin or maybe he is finally growing up!


Melody said...

Tender mercy perhaps? Especially given our conversation on Saturday.

A blessing from above, for sure.

Jodi said...

I love it when my girls actually listen and do something the first time I ask them to. It comes in waves and I really appreciate them!