Saturday, June 13, 2009

Full Saturday

Since Devin is out of school now, I have to keep him busy or he drives me crazy. He has so much energy, and I need to get some of it out. One thing we did today is go swimming at out local swim place. I am not sure I will bring Devin there again because he acted like he forgot how to listen.
Jarom loved his little swim area. He is really starting to love big legos which they had in the pool.
We also went to a little kid play park (a very little Disney type) called MarchenWald. It was about 1 hour from our house. Here are some pictures.

Friday we went to a local Strawberry picking farm. I was very surprised how well Jarom helped.
Never pick Strawberries with a plastic bag!

We had fun. I have about 2 cookie sheets full of strawberries I froze as just our leftovers.


Latisha said...

So much fun!!

Melody said...

Very cute pictures.