Saturday, June 6, 2009

WEE-EIB (Kid Army)

Today, Saturday, we went to WEE-EIB! You never really know all the names for the Army, but it has something to do with the type of training the soldiers have to do. WEE, for little ones, had their training today.

Devin getting ready for the road march (with fake guns of course).

Devin GI Joe here ready to shoot a gun for the Grenade Assualt Course

Confidence Course (Devin at the tires)

Face Camo application (They did not tell you how hard it is to get that stuff off the face)

Here is a video of Devin and others doing there Drill and Ceremony. This is the end as they walk off.

Devin also did a Physical Fitness Test and did great at the push-ups and sit-ups.


Lehmann Adventures...... said...

I totally love it! EIB is Expert Infantry Training and is a big deal! GOOD JOB DEVIN!!

I miss doing Jane Wayne Days and stuff like this.

Melody said...

Way to go Devin! Looks like it was fun.