Wednesday, June 30, 2010

34 weeks and counting!

I am just over 34 weeks pregnant now and counting down everyday. I went to the doctor today. My blood work from 2 weeks ago was good. The baby has turned the wrong way now having his head in my ribs! The doctor did not like that, so now I have to go back in one week just to see if he has turned back down like before. I guess the baby was not in a good position to measure him either because she was not happy with the measurments either. So now I have to do the almost 2 hour doctor visit process all over again next week just to see if the baby has turned. I just have to tell myself 5 and a half more weeks, hopefully!

I have not had the opportunity to have a baby in August or even summer time before now. The heat has hit Germany now which is not bad compared to Florida weather, but houses here do not have air condition which makes a big difference. You have to get into your car for any kind of relief. The heat is also making my feet and legs swell, which I have never had before. I am just thankful I am not having a baby when there is snow with closed roads everywhere. Have to think positive!


Melody said...

That is right, think positive. I sure hope he turns back for you. I'll be interested to see...
Could you tell that his head was up?