Tuesday, August 17, 2010

This week

This week has been good as my body becomes normal again. I am finally starting to get relief from my back pain. It feels so good to just be able to bend over. Maybe sometime I will write about my labor in the Hospital which was the hardest of all the boys!
Ammon has been a joy and a little demanding. He thinks he should be held ALL THE TIME! It is fine for now since I have my mom to help, but when she leaves something needs to change.
Here Ammon was sleeping. I got really lucky and caught him smiling in his sleep.
Today Devin had a field trip to a dinosaur museum about 30 min away. I had my mom go with him, so she could see more of Germany and spend time with Devin. Here are some pictures.

I think they had fun!


Jennifer said...

He's beautiful...handsome! I'm glad you are starting to feel better.

Ethan was harder to deliver than Abby.