Tuesday, August 31, 2010

We have news!

Dane came home one day from lunch and told me he got orders for us to move back to Ft. Benning GA next Spring! Dane's been wanting to change his career path which would send us to Ft Lee Virginia. Since we already have orders now, they said to wait till after Ft. Benning. I am excited about being much closer to family again with warmer winters. Things can always change again but that is our plan for now.
School seems to start later over here. Devin just started Monday, 2nd grade!
school gym

Devin and his teacher Mrs. Fife


Lehmann Adventures...... said...

YEA! The Labontes will be back there this fall! (You remember them?)
Now if I could only get out of Fort Hood.......

Latisha said...

That's exciting! Best of luck to you all!

Melody said...

Can't wait! Can't wait! Can't wait! I'm already looking forward to talking to you every day like old times.
Did I say I can't wait? ;)

The Lairds said...

I'm way behind, I haven't checked your blog in a while. congrats on the birth of Ammon. He is so precious. Devin and Jarom seem to be growing like weeds!! They are so big!!! wow! I'm very happy for you.