Thursday, August 5, 2010


I went to the doctor again Wednesday. After Monday, I have to go see her every 2 days now! How much should we really believe in our doctors. I tend to get the doctors opinion but still come up with my own decision. Since this is my third child, I kind of know what to expect. The doctor told me the baby is not low ANYMORE (weird) and if my water brakes, I need to call an ambulance and lay on my back. She is crazy! My water broke with Jarom 2 days before my due date, and we drove to the hospital and everything was fine. She also told me I was dilated last week and now not dilated at all! I am loosing my confendence in this doctor. Good thing she will not be delivering the baby. In Germany, only the doctors in the hospital deliver the babies. Grandma gets here in 2 days, so the baby can come after that.


Melody said...

That is sounding pretty crazy to me! Sorry it is so up and down.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, Holly!! You know your body better than anyone!! :) I remember "barking" at the doctor that delivered my first daughter (she was my fourth birth)... hahah! :)

nicholsclan said...

Just think soon you will be cuddling an adorable little boy and hopefully it makes it all worth it :) Your doctor is sounding psycho...can you un-dilate? Good thing she is not delivering the baby or I'd be a little scared. Good Luck and we can't wait to hear the good news!!!

Jennifer said...

That does sound a bit crazy! My water broke in the hospital and they wouldn't let me get up and walk around after that, yet I've seen women on the birth story shows where they walk around, get in a tub, etc after.

I could see if you had a problem where they didn't want you up. I know someone that had the placenta over the cervix, but even with her she had to call and ambulance and stay put for bleeding...not water breaking.

I can't wait to see pics of your newest little man. He'll be here soon! :)