This picture is for Melody, my sister-in-law. Every time I put a picture on my blog, my hair is always up and not done. So here you go, Melody. My hair is done for church today. Devin's hair is done for school. I messed up, so it is a little short.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
My hair done!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 6:56 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Cute Pictures!
Here are some cute pictures of the kids. I love to show them off! Here is Devin and Jarom playing at my friends house in the pool of balls. Jarom really liked playing in there. I think I am starting to be addicted to thirft stores. On post, I found this toy car for $15.00 and the kids love it.
I have signed up the kids for a music class every Thursday. Here we are playing!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 5:10 PM 4 comments
Friday, August 29, 2008
More Camping Photos
Here was our tents from camping and the pretty woods. I just got these pics from my friend that went with me.
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 10:19 AM 2 comments
We made it!
We made it safe and sound to go visit Dane. We had to wait like 3 hrs before he got there because he had to do some more work. So we just spend alot of time in the PX. Devin stood outside the PX forever just wanting for Dane to come. Devin was worried daddy would not find us if we were not in the front. It was a great blessing to be able to see Dane and spend almost 2 days with him. Jarom and Devin sure were excited when they saw him. On day 2 I had to drive him back to work about 1 hr away from were we met. My friend lives there, so we stopped by for a visit and played on the play ground. I sure do love my 3 boys!
Also, see 1st LT Nichols rank (black bar)..... he has been promoted to 1st LT now!!!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 8:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Army Life!
Well, Dane called late last night and said, "if you want to see me, you can tomorrow if you drive 2 hrs." So I have been packing the suitcase and canceling all my plans and driving off. Hopefully I get there. Everyone in Germany has a GPS to get around because it is so hard to follow directions. Santa, can you bring me a GPS for Christmas??
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 7:27 AM 3 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
I Survived!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 2:08 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Ward Camping Trip!
Well, I know some of you might think I am crazy and never thought I would go camping, but I am getting ready to go! I told myself I would not camp again after Girls Camp many years ago in the HOT HOT HOT Florida weather. Did I say Hot??? I think the weather here will be much cooler, so we will see. I will post pictures when I get back, if I make it!!!!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 4:45 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Splash Bash!
The Army had a back to school splash Bash, but it was a little cold and rainy. Devin had fun! Devin had his first experience with cotton candy! He liked it.
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 8:07 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tropical Storm
I hope all my family in Florida is ready and prepared for Topical Store Fay. I love you all and pray you will stay safe.
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 6:55 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Well, when I hear Jarom crying after he was done with his nap I see him standing in his crib! I love his BIG BLUE EYES! He will not sit anymore. He loves to stand. Tooth #2 is here!!!
Dane left today (early). We all got up to take him into work to drop him off. He has another two and a half weeks left in the field. He will be missed. He sure helped out a lot around the house and the kids, I am lucky to have him in my life!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 6:12 PM 5 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
For now, I LOVE Germany weather. It is in the 70's most of the time now with a breeze. I just thought I would brag to all my family in Florida with 90-100 degree weather. Everyone has an invite to come to Germany, BUT I have found out August is NOT a good time to visit. ALL the German's are on vacation and a lot of stuff is closed because the owners are on vacation also!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 4:31 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dane changing a diaper
Sunday night I was on the phone, so I asked Dane to give Jarom a bath. He did and then put a diaper on Jarom. Well, Dane pulled to hard and broke the strap to the diaper. About 5:00am this morning when I changed Jarom in the dark, whiling he was crying, and hungry, I notice TAPE all around the top of the diaper. It's Wonderful to have Dane home!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 8:25 AM 3 comments
Dane's home
Sorry, I have not posted much because Dane came home on Saturday for 5 days and then bye bye again until Sept. What do you think is the first thing he did when he got home? He started working out in the yard! He loves yard work and I had a list of yard stuff I needed him to do! We were spending some time around our pond, when we noticed all these baby goldfish. When we first moved here, we got about 10 goldfish and put them into the big pond. Now we have hundreds of baby fish that have moved into the small pond! Devin was so excited that he caught some of the goldfish in the net. I got out a small fish tank I have had for years and we put some babies in there. I like that, we got a fish tank now and it do not cost us anything!
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 4:03 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
More Grammies!
We were driving this morning to Devin's swimming class, when he told me, "I need more grandmas." I told him don't you think you already have enough? He said no, I need more and I need more neighbors and more friends! I guess I am not entertaining enough for him! I told him he will be starting school soon, so he will be getting more friends.
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 9:17 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Wild Park
Saturday the kids and I went to a wild park and it is FREE!! They even have a little water thing with slides. The last 2 pictures is the water area. Devin is on the middle slide and last pictures Devin is splashing water at the bottom of the picture. We had fun until Devin got hurt in the water area.
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 5:42 PM 2 comments
Beginners German class!
Well, today was my first day taking a beginners German class and today is my last! There is 3 reasons why I am not going back, at least not right now. 1. The teacher goes so fast. She was already trying to speak sentences in the first class. I just wanted to tell her, "This class said BEGINNERS." 2. It cost me $20.00 for the kids to go to a child care place for only 2 hours. The class is 3 days a week for 4 weeks, so it would cost me $240.00 to take this class, crazy! 3. This is the heart breaker, Jarom cried the entire time :( They almost called me because he was crying so much. For all these reasons, its just not that important to me. Maybe another time! Germans will have to deal with my English for now.
Posted by Dane, Holly, Devin, and Jarom at 2:37 PM 2 comments