Monday, August 4, 2008

Beginners German class!

Well, today was my first day taking a beginners German class and today is my last! There is 3 reasons why I am not going back, at least not right now. 1. The teacher goes so fast. She was already trying to speak sentences in the first class. I just wanted to tell her, "This class said BEGINNERS." 2. It cost me $20.00 for the kids to go to a child care place for only 2 hours. The class is 3 days a week for 4 weeks, so it would cost me $240.00 to take this class, crazy! 3. This is the heart breaker, Jarom cried the entire time :( They almost called me because he was crying so much. For all these reasons, its just not that important to me. Maybe another time! Germans will have to deal with my English for now.


Lehmann Adventures...... said...

I feel the same way about spanish, french, german, english. oh wait I speak english! LOL! I have found that russian is fairly easy to learn. Try using rosetta stone for german. Oh and dont feel bad my SIL has been there for 5 years and still has no desire to learn more german than what she needs to!

Melody said...

That boy is spoiled ROTTEN! What are you going to do?

I agree,the babysitting is VERY expensive, however, you are going to need to be able to leave him every once and a while. He has you wrapped around his little finger!