Friday, August 29, 2008

We made it!

We made it safe and sound to go visit Dane. We had to wait like 3 hrs before he got there because he had to do some more work. So we just spend alot of time in the PX. Devin stood outside the PX forever just wanting for Dane to come. Devin was worried daddy would not find us if we were not in the front. It was a great blessing to be able to see Dane and spend almost 2 days with him. Jarom and Devin sure were excited when they saw him. On day 2 I had to drive him back to work about 1 hr away from were we met. My friend lives there, so we stopped by for a visit and played on the play ground. I sure do love my 3 boys!

Also, see 1st LT Nichols rank (black bar)..... he has been promoted to 1st LT now!!!