Monday, August 25, 2008

I Survived!

I survived the camping trip with Bad weather. It rained ALL night with big winds and VERY COLD! I could not sleep much because I was worried about Jarom getting to cold. I bet it got into the 40's that night. We even had sleeping bags that were for below zero degree weather. You can see in the pictures that my kids are the only ones in summer clothes! Devin's favorite part was the smores! He told me while we were going to sleep, "I do not like camping. It's to DARK." Things you do when you do not have your husband around.......


Melody said...

I think that was very brave of you! I don't think I would have done it, especially with bad and cold weather. But, like you said, you survived!

Anonymous said...

A very brave thing for you to do, Holly!! I commend you for your strength and endurance!! :-) You are a go getter!!

Jodi said...

Brave, brave woman! I won't go camping WITH my husband, let alone without him. At least you are making memories...isn't that what life is all about?