Friday, February 26, 2010

Doctor Appt

So I was really wanting to post on my blog we are having a girl, but the baby wanted to keep HER?? legs closed. I know seeing the sex of the baby was ify since I am only 16 weeks, but I was hoping. The doctor did say the baby was bigger than it should be...... so she changed my due date. It was Aug 12 and now Aug 8. I think I just have big babies, but they normally do not do ultrasounds every month in the States, so they just do not know. I think the baby will still come around Aug 12. So I guess I have to wait another 4 weeks before I can plan for a boy or girl. I am so ready to go shopping for PINK! We will see.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So as you can see by my blog background, I am so over Winter and ready for Spring to come very soon hopefully. It was a little warmer today, like 50's which was wonderful.

I had a talk with Devin about not talking and getting into a car with someone he does not know since he is walking to school by himself now. We have had these talks before, but I have to tell things to Devin over and over again. This time it stuck a little to hard! Now he is scared of everyone. I had a work man come to fix something in the house, and he totally went crazy scared saying, "a bad man is coming to get me. Lock the door mommy." This is when he saw a big truck coming in the drive way and then ran home. He has done this now for 2 days. I wanted him to be cautious but he is going crazy! Poor kid.

We are really enjoying Gov. housing again. I called for some minor repairs for our dryer and refrigerator. I am talking like a door bar missing in the frig and the dryer not stopping by it self. Well, they come with a NEW refrigerator and dryer! They said when they get over 10 years old, they just replace it when there is a problem. I need to call for repairs more often!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This week

I showed Dane how I have brain washed Jarom into loving his Daddy doll. This is how we have to put Daddy every night, under the covers! Dane had to take a picture!
I have had to move into a different stage of life with Devin. Since we live like 7-10 min walk to Devin's school, we talked about letting Devin walk to school and back by himself. I did not like pushing Jarom in the snow here. They do not clean the walk ways very well. I kind of have a control issue and really worried about letting him go. After many walks with me to school of knowing the way, he walked to school by himself! What a big boy. I can not believe he will be 7 years old in 2 weeks.
Here he is in front of his school.

I finally had the energy to get Jarom all dressed up in snow clothes for outside. But he did not last very long. He got cold and wanted to go inside fast. Here they are having fun.

Here they are in front of our house going down the little hill.
I have to say it is really sad when you do not realize your heater is not working because you are so used to a cold house. We were so happy with our new house here because it is warmer. Well, the people that live in our building called because the heater was not working. Now our house is too HOT! I had to turn the heaters down, very weird!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V-Day!

I woke up this morning to this in the living room.....
I had to take a picture before the kids starting running towards the balloons.

Here is our street with all the snow and cute German buildings.

Here is our house. We have the second floor and half the basement.

Here is Dane happily taking all the packing boxes out to the recycle. I had to ask about 10 times before I got him out there. One I got him out there, he never came back in. I looked and he was getting all the build up ice off our drive way. He did not want me to fall and slip on the ice. Isn't that sweet? He spent 4-5 hours outside working hard :)
He loves me!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We are moved to Graf!

We are finally in our new house in Graf. I think this move was a lot better than the last one we did moving overseas to Germany. It is very nice to get your things back after just a few days. We filled up almost 2 of these trucks which I do not know how we have so much yet so little. I have to say it is not fun moving in the snow.
Here is our first meal after church in our house. I had to take a picture of us eating on the floor!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stressful day

Monday was a very stressful day for me. We had the packers here which I scheduled them 2 day to pack and 1 day to load the truck since we have around 13,000 lbs of stuff! Well, in the middle of the day they tell me they want to pack everything in one day and load the next which I was not ready for. Even the boxes are labeled in German. I do not think that will help me. The kids came home and went crazy. Jarom was not happy they packed his blanket and pillow. I wonder what the packers think my kids will sleep with in the Winter!!!

To top the day, I was in pain all day. For some reason, my bladder was blocked. I went to the doctor that morning in pain, but like the Army, they give you meds and send you home. Around 5:00 pm I am in REAL pain. Dane is gone getting the kids while I am alone with the movers. I did not want to leave them in my house alone, so I could go to the Hospital, but I had no choice. I was in so much pain and worried my bladder would burst. For almost 2 years now, I have avoided the German Hospital!! I have been shown how to get there before, but in my pain, I got lost. I was not happy is an under statement! I finally called, while crying, a church member to help me, and I got there and rushed in there but could not read anything inside. The front guy hardly spoke English. I finally just started to cry and found someone in white clothes to help me find the mid-wife there to help me. I found her and she made me feel much better. I really do not know what happened, but maybe the baby somehow blocked my bladder because I am fine now.