Friday, February 26, 2010

Doctor Appt

So I was really wanting to post on my blog we are having a girl, but the baby wanted to keep HER?? legs closed. I know seeing the sex of the baby was ify since I am only 16 weeks, but I was hoping. The doctor did say the baby was bigger than it should be...... so she changed my due date. It was Aug 12 and now Aug 8. I think I just have big babies, but they normally do not do ultrasounds every month in the States, so they just do not know. I think the baby will still come around Aug 12. So I guess I have to wait another 4 weeks before I can plan for a boy or girl. I am so ready to go shopping for PINK! We will see.


Melody said...

I think you're right about you having big babies. I also think you would know your due date given that you know your body, etc.

Keep us posted on all the happenings. I need some pictures of you too, I haven't seen you pregnant this time...

Jennifer said...

I've heard that it's usually a girl if you can't see easily because of crossed legs. I don't know if that is true though. I'm hoping you have a girl!

Jodi said...

I'm sure "she" will cooperate next time. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.