Wednesday, February 24, 2010

So as you can see by my blog background, I am so over Winter and ready for Spring to come very soon hopefully. It was a little warmer today, like 50's which was wonderful.

I had a talk with Devin about not talking and getting into a car with someone he does not know since he is walking to school by himself now. We have had these talks before, but I have to tell things to Devin over and over again. This time it stuck a little to hard! Now he is scared of everyone. I had a work man come to fix something in the house, and he totally went crazy scared saying, "a bad man is coming to get me. Lock the door mommy." This is when he saw a big truck coming in the drive way and then ran home. He has done this now for 2 days. I wanted him to be cautious but he is going crazy! Poor kid.

We are really enjoying Gov. housing again. I called for some minor repairs for our dryer and refrigerator. I am talking like a door bar missing in the frig and the dryer not stopping by it self. Well, they come with a NEW refrigerator and dryer! They said when they get over 10 years old, they just replace it when there is a problem. I need to call for repairs more often!


The Elms said...

HEY YOU GUYS! I miss you! Totally hear you on being over winter. It needs to warm up NOW. Looks like things are going well for you guys in Graf, I'm so glad. And hopefully Devin will get a little less scared of everyone. He is probably just getting used to the new area too. I'm sure he'll be OK in time. Better scared than too open with strangers though! I'm glad we have the blogs to stay in touch:)

Melody said...

I feel bad for Devin, however, you would rather that then him not having any worries about anyone. Now for a happy medium...

I'm glad that you have a better living situation now. I would never have been able to live in that house you just left without heat. I get cold way too easily.