Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy V-Day!

I woke up this morning to this in the living room.....
I had to take a picture before the kids starting running towards the balloons.

Here is our street with all the snow and cute German buildings.

Here is our house. We have the second floor and half the basement.

Here is Dane happily taking all the packing boxes out to the recycle. I had to ask about 10 times before I got him out there. One I got him out there, he never came back in. I looked and he was getting all the build up ice off our drive way. He did not want me to fall and slip on the ice. Isn't that sweet? He spent 4-5 hours outside working hard :)
He loves me!!!


warthog said...

that is too sweet! lucky girl!

Jodi said...

What a cute idea to spell out I Love You with balloons. I'm totally going to use it next year!

Melody said...

So sweet and thoughtful! :)