Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hospital Tour

So anyone that know me, knows I like to be prepared! I am the type that will have her bag packed for the Hospital months before. The Army here gives tours of the Hospital for labor and delivery and everything you need to know. It is scary having a child in a foreign country. My last experience in the Hospital was not so good since I could not read anything, so I wanted to be prepared. I got to see the delivery rooms and meet the mid-wives (which were very nice). I asked questions about the normal labor and delivery traditions in the States, and a lot of things are the same. I feel better now about what will happen in August. One thing that is different is they really want you to stay in the Hospital for at least 3 days. This will be hard for me since I have never been away from Jarom. They also only want 1 person in the delivery room! They told me they might make an exception if they are not busy! Hopefully you can be there with us mom. I think the tour also helped the kids realize a baby is coming. Jarom just wants to hug the babys and Devin was looking in all the rooms! What an experience this will be!


Melody said...

You'll be fine. Stop worrying about that. I think it is great that you already went. I never did hospital tours or ever had a bag packed for any of them. Good for you!