Sunday, October 31, 2010

Busy Weekend

You sure know you love your family when the time flys by. Weekends sure go by fast when Daddy is around. We must love him.
We are lucky to have a photographer in our ward. She agreed to takes some pictures of us. Here is a sample of what to come after I get all the pictures.
It sure is harder to get pictures when you have more children. Jarom and Ammon refused to smile. Below is the only picture we got of Jarom smiling. It was our first picture taken.
Note to self: Do not put a 2 year old in a white shirt while at a park. I still have stains. Next wash I will have to use more bleach!
Friday was our ward Halloween party with Trunk or Treat.

We also went to the Library for Halloween crafts. Here is Jarom's craft.

spider web was Devin's craft.

Here are the boys posing for me. Jarom was very unsure about costumes. I had to give him a lolly pop inorder to get his costum on.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Today we went to Devin's school to help with their pumpkins, counting seeds. Very hard to keep the kids on task to count 572 seeds in our pumpkin but it was fun! I took in cupcakes for the class to eat after lunch.
You know you are a true mom when you hear a loud explosion from your baby,
and you are just happy you are still at home when it happens!
Here are some instant smiles I get after an explosion!!!
It's hard to take a picture while holding him but I got some of the smiles.

I have been selling all our German 220V things online which has been fun.
Yesterday I sold all my plants in one day. People sure want plants here. It's hard to let go of all my plants I love so much but the things you have to do when you move.
Can you tell I am ready to move?????
Isn't time to move yet?
I think I might be made for the Army because after a year, I am ready to move again.
Or maybe it's just a Germany thing.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

My boys!

Here are my wild boys. Love Jarom fake smile!
Wednesday was Devin's Pack Meeting. One down 5 to go!!
Devin on the far left with the yellow hat.

I was surpried Devin got an award for getting one of the highest scores bowling at their fundraiser. I think he got a 104. He also got some belt loops and 2 out of 4 beads to get his wolf badge. I am trying to get Devin done early since we will be moving. It's hard enough to get Devin done with cubscouts, helping 7 more kids is hard.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Date night!

Dane's work had a social Friday night and there happen to be parents night out child care also, so we got to go out together with Ammon of course. I got an entire 30 min before Ammon woke up and fussed all night! The restaurant was wonderful! It is fun to get dressed up and go out to eat without kids!
Dane is thinking of selling his car to someone in the church since we have a short time left here in Germany. I told him to wait till after Winter. He thinks he is going to "WALK" 3 miles to work in the snow, crazy. I think I might be out of a car some days if he sells it!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Impressive Devin

It is getting really cold here in the 40's, and Jarom does not want to wear a jacket or hat. So I thought maybe if I let him pick a hat, he would wear it. Here he is, Buzz! He is going to be Buzz for Halloween, so he likes him right now.
Lets just see if he will wear it outside!
I was very impressed with Devin carved his own pumpkin. Dane should him how and he did it by himself for the first time.
Ammon cried for about 2 hours last night.
I finally decided to bring the swing into my room since even the car seat was not working.
He went right to sleep!
That boy sure loves his swing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We had our first Cub Scout Den meeting today. We learned all about the flag. At the end of the meeting, we all jumped into the cars and drove to the 5:00 pm flag ceremony on post. Dane was nice and came and showed the boys how to fold the flag.
Dane has told me in the past,
"one boy is some what a boy, two boys is half a boy, and three or more is no boy at all!" (Something like that)
Well, eight boys means craziness!
Of course, my 2 boys gave me the hardest time.
PS I have resorted back to the car seat for Ammon sleeping at night.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This weeks challenges

As Jarom and I were shopping at the PX, Jarom saw Diego underwear. He wanted them! I said, "if I get these, will you go pee pee in the potty?" He said yes.
He sure is trying!!!
I picked up this bee costume for like $2.00, but Jarom does not like it.
You can see the fake smile on his face. He wanted it off as soon as the picture was taken.
My other challenge this week is getting Ammon to sleep in the crib. As a result, we are getting up every 2-3 hours again. Hopefully things will get better. It's only been 3 days, so there is still hope!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Pumpkin!

I put on his little pumpkin outfit today and thought it was so cute!
He even gave me a little smile.
2 months old (14.7 lbs)
Here are some pictures I took this week (2 months old)

He gets very tired on his tummy real fast!

This is how I get greeted every morning!
The smiles are what makes it "all worth it."

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cub Scouts

Yes, I might be crazy but I have volunteered to be the Den leader for Devin's Wolf Den. No one really wanted to do it, so I stepped up. Since we are moving in less than 6 months, why not! It should be interesting dealing with a 2 year old, 2 month old, and 8 crazy 2nd graders!
It will be interesting!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lots and Lots of Pictures

Saturday Ammon was 2 months old. He is a great blessing to our life.
What better way to spend a Saturday than at Playmobil Fun Park!
This picture actually was taken as we are leaving the park and very tired!

I think there favorite thing was the trains.

Silly Daddy!

I told Devin if he fell into the water, we would go home! I did see some kids "wet."
I was happy no one fell in!

They could have spent all day here with all their toys. We ate lunch here, so it was nice and relaxing to have the kids play.

I like this picture of Jarom behind the water.

Wow, they even had milking the cows. See Jarom looking, "what is daddy doing?"
Who else would climb to the very top for a picture! I love you daddy!
I was glad the kids did not even see him to do it because Devin would have tired.
Boys and Dirt
We had a blast and the weather was perfect! Hard to get here in Germany.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Baby Shower pic

I just found a picture of the baby shower for all six new babies in our ward. I got the picture off another blog. Since I am in the picture, I can take the picture! All the babies are within a month of each other I think. It was fun.

Sunday, October 3, 2010



Today is General Conference. Since we are 6 hours or so ahead, we have to wait to hear it. We either stay up late, or watch it in the middle of the night, or play catch-up during the week. I much rather watch it in person like my brother and sister-in-law (not fair).

Here is our church we go to each Sunday. I used to be a dance club/bar. Elvis even performed here back during WWII when his Army unit was stationed in Grafenwoehr. We are lucky to have this wonderful building because other towns do not have such a big building and easy parking.


A 2 year old knows how to play games on the computer!
It's amazing what he learns from his older Brother. Some things worry me!
He sure is a smart boy.