Sunday, October 31, 2010

Busy Weekend

You sure know you love your family when the time flys by. Weekends sure go by fast when Daddy is around. We must love him.
We are lucky to have a photographer in our ward. She agreed to takes some pictures of us. Here is a sample of what to come after I get all the pictures.
It sure is harder to get pictures when you have more children. Jarom and Ammon refused to smile. Below is the only picture we got of Jarom smiling. It was our first picture taken.
Note to self: Do not put a 2 year old in a white shirt while at a park. I still have stains. Next wash I will have to use more bleach!
Friday was our ward Halloween party with Trunk or Treat.

We also went to the Library for Halloween crafts. Here is Jarom's craft.

spider web was Devin's craft.

Here are the boys posing for me. Jarom was very unsure about costumes. I had to give him a lolly pop inorder to get his costum on.


Melody said...

I love the family picture and can't wait to see more of that. Now you know how it is for us when we try to do pictures. I certainly wouldn't call it 'fun'. I am glad that we do it though.

nicholsclan said...

I can't wait to see all your pics too. And yes you are a brave mom with white shirts in a park :) Happy Halloween! The costumes were cute, glad you guys are enjoying your remaining time in many days until you move? :)

Latisha said...

Super picture!

Heather said...

Great family picture!!!