Saturday we had our Battalion Halloween party. I helped plan the event, so I spent lots of time there helping. Jarom liked this game!
This was the best car for the Truck N Treat! That was a real person in there. The kids were scared! Jarom did not like him AT ALL!
We had to good turn out of people coming and it was a blast!
Friday Devin's school had a fun Harvest festival.
pumpkin bowling
This was the best picture I could get of them both in the picture. Jarom saw the pumpkins and went crazy! I had to get help from someone to keep him still for a moment.
Friday I learned something new about Jarom. As you can see a little in his eyes in the above picture. Jarom can not have a peanut butter garnola bar! This picture was over 8 hours later, so you can image how he looked before, not pretty! He had swollen eyes and hives but the meds I had at home helped. I would have taken him to the doctor if I was living in the States but not Germany. If you have any problem, they keep you in the Hospital for days. Since I have some experience with Devin and peanuts, I knew I could handle it. He was acting fine and breathing good.
Now I know NO PEANUTS in my house!
Love your costume! Looks like you did a fabulous job!
Greyson and Devin have the same costume.
I guess the boys get the peanut thing from you. That is interesting that both of them have that problem.
I think you're crazy taking all that stuff on, or just better than me... Yep. Better than me. I couldn't do it. Good job.
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