Sunday, May 30, 2010

Father and Son campout

So here are the only pictures I got from their campout that has Devin in the picture. I guess guys have a different idea when it comes to picture taking. They had lots of fun and came home VERY TIRED! They stayed up till midnight playing games and having fun. I do not think Devin has ever stayed up that late before. I do have to say I really enjoyed a VERY MELLOW Devin! There was no ruff playing or crying. It was great!
Is daddy a good influence????

I am glad I was NOT there to see this!
They came home VERY DIRTY. Jarom was so happy to see Devin. I just don't have the energy for him like Devin (I was having a bad pregnant day)! I hope his love for Devin just keeps growing.
What did Jarom and I do while they were gone? Shopping and Shopping and rented a movie!

Friday, May 28, 2010

More pictures

I finally got pictures from Dane's work of me putting on his new rank since the person taking my photos missed the most important part. You are supposed to hit/punch his chest, but I just could not do that. The other soldiers sure loved punching his new rank!
taking off his old rank...boy do I look pregnant!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Captain Nichols

Captain Nichols

Dane was promoted today to Captain and here are some pictures. Devin even got to see Daddy's office. Everyone kept saying, "those boys sure have lots of energy." You can say that again! I guess everyone was impressed with all the food and my "famous fruit slush" (Dane would say). We had lots of food left over, so Dane was able to take some to church for the boy scouts. This weekend is the Father and son campout, so Devin will get some daddy time this weekend.

I was happy his promotion was today because yesterday I was sick all day, throwing up! I will be glad when I am not pregnant and I can just hold my baby.

Monday, May 24, 2010

This weekend

We had a busy cleaning day Saturday. Dane took the kids outside for almost 2 hours washing the cars and such. Jarom loved it since he does not get that much with me pregnant. Jarom has been sick. I took him to the doctor last Thursday, and they said he had croup (virus & cough). He has never had that before so this was our first. He kept getting a high fever when he would sleep. Sunday night was the first night where he sleep all night, so I was thankful he is getting better. Here is a picture of Jarom and I Saturday around 4:00pm VERY TIRED! Here is a picture I will always treasure because he has NEVER crawled up and went to sleep on my before. I know it was only because he was sick but I still loved it.

Here is Jarom after playing outside and just dazing at the TV!

Well, I just got word that Dane has a go for surgery on June 7. He will be having PRK done on his eyes. We have to stay there for a week, so it might be a little vacation paid by the Army!
PRK Laser Eye Surgery - How It Differs From LASIK: "PRK is performed with an excimer laser, which uses a cool ultraviolet light beam to precisely remove ('ablate') very tiny bits of tissue from the surface of the cornea in order to reshape it. When you reshape the cornea in the right way, it more precisely focuses light into the eye and onto the retina, providing clearer vision than before."

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trip to the Fire Station

Devin got a tour of the Fire Station for Tiger cubs. He was very interested in seeing everything on the trucks. I did not realize they also have tire truck tanks. They take those out to the woods (Army field) when ever there is a fire which happens a lot since there is a lot of training done here.

Also, Dane has been approved completely to get his eyes done. No more glasses! They just have to call us for the surgery date. We have to travel about 4 hours away, but at least it is FREE!
We finally got all of Dane's college degree submitted to the right people, so now he will be promoted to Captain this next Wednesday. We have to feed everyone, so I have been planning. Photos to come.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Here is a picture of our newest find! Dane has been trying to get more games for the family to play instead of watching TV. The kids really like this one since it has marbles that run down. It was a great fine for $10.00!

I also went to the doctor today. Like I have said before, there is always something wrong (only here in Germany). But at least they do more testing and find more problems. The results from my blood work last week show my thyroid is very low (hypothyroidism). So I am starting to take Synthroid (hormone). I am thankful they are treating this because it can effect the development of the baby's brain resulting in low IQ or learning dissabilities. My thyroid is low because it was a 6 when it should be over a 9. Hopefully this will help with my fatigue. One side effect I do like is weight loss. My iron is still low also. It will be great if I can feel normal again.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Free Saturday!

First thing this morning we helped the cub scouts plant flowers at Devin's school as a service project.

So we kind of had a free Saturday with no kids. I signed them up for a Super Saturday program (just this Saturday) of child care. It was really nice to have lunch with Dane and just spend the day with him. We still had to get our normal things done, but it was much easier without kids.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday to you from me!

Happy Birthday mom!
I wish we were there to make your day special, but we are they in spirit.
Finally no rain for Devin soccer game or practice.

Pictures are not great but you get the idea. Both games he has made a goal, so he is really doing great and getting energy out.
The other day Dane took Devin on a bike ride for about 1 hour. Devin came back with such a red face. Dane wore him out, finally! I like daddy-son time!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to everyone!
I am happy to be a mother of two crazy boys. Hard to believe I am about to add another boy into the mix, but I am sure I will grow from it.
Thanks to Daddy and Devin I got this wonderful palm tree behind us for Mothers Day and a wonderful card from Devin he made at school. It is a good Sunday.
I told Dane awhile ago that he could always give me a plant instead of flowers, so I can enjoy them longer than a week. My house is starting to get plants everywhere, which I love!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!

I thought it would be fun to play a little game and ask you what in our living room did I get for Mothers Day? A little early!
Jarom was not happy about my picture taking, so he was throwing my pillows!
Dane thought this was blog worthy, so here it is... My sacred grove picture just needed some color around it. Do you think I painted it?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Jarom's first gymnastic class!

Today was Jarom's first gymnastics class. I was completely tired, but we went anyways. He was the highlight of the class! He went crazy running to all the different things to do. The coach was very surprised at how strong and go go go! I would say he is a "tank" that hardly gets hurt. This class was only 30 mins, but he took advange of the entire 30 min to run and go crazy. It was good for him.
tunnel time, which at first he said "bobo?" Once he realized it was safe, he was all over it.

rolling down the ramp

I love this picture looking so big
He loved this rolling hill going down.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This week

I guess no news is good news! Besides crying over silly stuff, like Dane looking at me wrong, I have been fine. I have been very emotional. Dane would say I have been a rollercoaster! I went to the doctor today and had my gestational diabetes testing done. I was not looking forward to not eating all morning and then drinking that nasty drink and sit for 2 hours. I survived, but feel nauseous almost all day. By the way, I did pass the test. No diabetes for me!

I really wanted to have some picture of Devin's first soccer game tonight, but my batteries stopped, so maybe next time. He did great and even made a goal! It got really cold and rainy here, so I was ready to come home and relax. I should have some picture of Jarom tomorrow. I signed him up for a toddler gymnastic class, so that should be fun to see.